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Create a New Metric

You can build custom metrics tailored to your specific analytical needs. Whether you're starting from scratch or drawing inspiration from our pre-designed templates, the process is streamlined for efficiency and ease of use. Once created, your custom metrics are stored in the metric catalog for easy access and future use.

Getting started

Follow these simple steps to create a new metric:

  1. Navigate to the metric catalog by clicking Metrics on the top navigation bar.

  2. Click the "New metric" button located at the upper right side to start creating a new metric.

  1. Select the type of metric you wish to create. You can choose between an Aggregate metric or a Formula metric which uses other metrics as building blocks.
  1. Follow the on-screen instructions to ensure all required details are included.

  2. Once the required inputs are provided, the metric will preview will be available, allowing you to immediately see the impact of your modifications in both the chart and table displayed on the right.

  3. Once you are satisfied with the preview, click the Save metric button to store your metric in the catalog.

Creating custom metrics has never been easier. Get started today and transform the way you analyze and interpret your data!