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Generate API Token

Users with the roles of "API user", "Admin", and "Owner" can generate a personal token to export data into Excel and Google Sheets. Follow the steps below to generate and secure your personal token.

Steps to Generate a Token

  1. Open the Account Settings

    Navigate to the Account settings page by clicking on your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and selecting Account Settings.

  2. Click on the Generate Token Button

    Go to the API Tokens section and click on the Generate Token button.

  3. Define a Name for the Token

    Provide a meaningful name for your token to easily identify its purpose later. Additionally, set an expiration date for the token.

  4. Copy and Save Your Client ID and Client Secret

    After generating the token, copy the Client ID and Client Secret. Make sure to store them in a secure location, as this information will only be displayed once.

Important Note

Ensure to keep your Client ID and Client Secret safe and secure. These credentials are necessary for exporting data to Excel and Google Sheets and should not be shared with unauthorized individuals.


Generating a personal token is a straightforward process that enables you to leverage Sightfull's API for seamless data exports. Follow the steps carefully and keep your credentials secure to maintain data integrity and security.